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Mindboggling Stupidity
Just today, I mailed a package of baby clothes to my
friend Cheryl, who happens, through an accident of birth and US-INS
regulations, to live in Canada. Those of you with foreign
friends and relatives, remember when you could just grab a bunch of
Customs cards and fillthem out at home for whatever gifts and things
you needed to send? No more. Now, you have to go to the
postal desk and fill out the card in front of the postmaster and
answer whatever questions he decides are pertinent. In my case,
at least, the postmaster had the good grace to look embarrassed by
the rigamoroule. But wait, it gets better.
My daughter visited from college for Christmas. She flew
down. I went to the airport to pick her up and to drop her
off. Without going into the new "simplified" check-in
procedure (are these your bags? are you sure? do you have a
bomb? do you mind if we rummage through your undies for
something cool?), I was amazed at the amount of jackbooted
militarism. Uniformed security (of three different brands:
Police, TSA and Airport) everywhere, and where you couldn't see one
of them, there was an undercover officer of some kind (note to
TSA: a tight-ass in casual clothes is still a tight-ass).
More and more these days, I find myself wondering the same thing
about my fellow Americans: What the hell is wrong with you
people? Do you honestly believe that government thugs are going
to protect your rights? Do you believe that foreign terrorists
are a bigger threat than beaureaucrats who have a vested interest in
the continuation and expansion of their powers? Do you think
that a bigass national government like ours can even come close to
stopping any kind of terrorism? I repeat: What the hell
is wrong with you people?
The Nature
of Terrorism
You have to understand that terrorism is not a
nationalist issue. Terrorists are, either by choice or
circumstance, on their own. They may receive funding from a
national government, or even succor, but they are not agents of any
nation. They have no loyalty to any but their own cause.
The difference between Pearl Harbor and September-Eleventh is that
Pearl Harbor was a military strike against a military target.
The September-Eleventh event was and act of terrorism. No
nation planned that. No war was declared. It was an act
of unreasonable violence intended to get attention. That's what
terrorists do.
That's what they've always done. Terrorists are sad, pitiable
individuals and groups oif individuals who can't find a way to live a
good life without fucking up the lives of others. The popular
media notwithstanding, prior to September 11, 2001, our nation's
biggest terrorist problem was domestic terrorism. Timothy
McVeigh (sp?), David Koresh and his followers (yeah yeah ATF invaded
their compound, but considering the amount of firepower they were
caching they were going to do something), and the Unabomber all come
immediately to mind. Individuals and small groups. Locals
who knew the lay of the land and had a good eye out for what they
wanted to do.
Because, in the sort of small-scale operation that makes terrorism
effective, that's what you need. There are no large
conspiracies, because every ear in the room is attached to a
mouth. For that reason alone, terrorists are always small operations.
And national governments, at least national democracies, are not
equipped for tracking and defeating small groups and
individuals. Using the US Federal Government to stop terrorism
is tantamount to trying to catch goldfish with a tuna net. I
mentioned in a previous column that the
government didn't stop the one failed plane on 9-11, the people
did. The people.
The Other
Your enemy, my enemy, and the enemy of every American
who values his or her freedom is, and has always been, the federal
government. The federal government is like a large and vicious
dog that you keep to protect your home. You have to smack it
down and keep it chained. If you let it off its chain, even for
a little while, it will eat your chickens and leave you and your
children cowering in the bedroom hoping to sneak a snack when it's
not looking.
Before you ask, no. I'm not a big proponent of wackadoo
conspiracy theories. The Freemasons and the Trilateral
commission, if they exist in the paranoid form, are toothless
hounds. There are no big conspiracies for the same reason that
elephants can't live in your walls and eat your cheese.
To return to the dog metaphor, on 9-11, somebody snuck in, past the
dog. That's bound to happen when the animal is as securely
chained as our government has traditionally been. That does not
mean it's time to loosen the chain. The presence of other
enemies does not make the dog any less vicious. You must
keep eternal vigilance over the dog; that breed will turn on you in
an instant.
Our founding fathers knew that. It was for that very reason
that they created the Bill
of Rights. Give it a read. It describes all the ways that
they knew of that a national government could go wrong. Then it
admits in the last two, that there were probably things they hadn't
thought of (such as the right to privacy--it probably never occurred
to the Founding Fathers that such a basic right would ever be in
question), so it limits the Federal Governments power only to those specifically
defined in the Constitution.
Every other right you have, every privelege, every liberty you hold
dear, depends on the maintenance of those ten clauses. Without
them, defense of the lesser, but more personal rights, is impossible.
The Point
What you, and I, and every American with three working
brain cells needs to do right now, is to put a stop to it all.
Write your congressman, both your senators, and your President and
tell them that it stops now. Tell them
that foreign citizenship is no excuse for the 6th Amendment
violations against the prisoners in Guantanamo. Tell them
that laws that violate the Fourth Amendment for "criminals"
and "insurgents" violate the rights of everyone. Tell
them that this is not the way
that Americans handle adversity. Tell them you are free, and
you wish to remain so.
And, if that doesn't work, well, the Second Amendment was put there
for a reason, also.