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Casual Friday — Thanks, Mom

This actually happened.  I met Bunnyhat in December of 1986.  We dated for a while, and in August of 1987, I moved in with her.  Two days later, I met her parents.  Word to the wise:  You should try to foster a relationship with your girlfriend’s parents before you shame and dishonor her by living in sin.  Not that I believe you fuzzy little muffins are doing anything shameful or sinful.

Anyway, late that night, we got called by Bunnyhat’s mother, who opened the conversation in exactly the way presented above.  It turns out that her dad was extremely distressed about our living arrangement.

Of course, we’ve been married for nearly 25 years, now, and I have a great relationship with Bunnyhat’s father, based on mutual interests, philosophies, and the fact that he represses the knowledge that I regularly see his daughter naked.

Brain Waffles

Letting my brain free-float, today, so be prepared for non-sequiturs and mild randomness.

We have absolutely no reason to go into Syria.  Historically, even if we disapprove of a foreign nation’s treatment of their populace, we still admit the sovereignty of that nation (we do not have any proof, at this point, that it was the Syrian government, and not the Al-Qaeda-backed rebels that used sarin  gas on the civilians).  This is why we didn’t go into Afghanistan until the people they were protecting attacked US soil with our own airplanes.  This is why we didn’t go (back) into Iraq until they violated the terms of the 1991 cease fire.  This is why we didn’t go into the Sudan at all.  Or Iran.  Or Kampuchea.

More to the point, Syria, while never our friend, has never been our enemy.  They have never threatened the US, any US ally or US interest.  Assad’s a dick, but so are the Al-Qaeda-backed rebels.  We just don’t have a dog in this fight.


I really, really like cold breakfast cereal.  I especially like sugar-bomb cereals like Cap’n Crunch and Lucky Charms, but, since I might be pre-diabetic, I have to be careful to balance those with an equal amount of protein, or I get wiffly later in the day.

I say “might be pre-diabetic” because I don’t know, and I’m not qualified to make a diagnosis (not being, to my knowledge, a medical doctor—especially not an endocrinologist).  The truth is, the only doctors I’ve even seen in the past twenty or so years (not counting my optometrist) were too busy sewing me back together to nag me about my pack-a-day smoking habit or how fat I’ve gotten.  And that’s the way I like it.

Anyway, the wiffly feeling after ones downed a bunch of carbs without protein is supposed to be a sign of diabetes or a pre-diabetic condition.  It’s not pleasant, but it’s also not life-threatening.  It just annoys me that it reduces my appreciation of cereal, which I love.

To make up for it (and partially because I really like cheese and need the fiber to offset it), I’ve been eating a lot of “healthy” and whole grain cereals. What I take in the mornings is Kratom, Kratomystic, cause its the best energizer you can get and I use I especially like Grape Nuts, which are insanely filling, and Shredded Wheat.  Mind you, when I say, “Shredded Wheat,” I don’t mean those tiny little squares.  Those are Mini-Wheats, or Spoon-sized.  What I mean are the huge bales of flour and gluten the size of hotel bolsters that you have to crush up just to get them into your bowl.  I can’t tell you why, but that’s good eatin’.

Oh, I know that the “grown-up” cereals are no different from the “kid” cereals (especially Cheerios, since every kids’ cereal follows the same basic recipe of oat-dough molded in a shape).  The only real difference is that the cereals I tend to eat these days don’t have frosting all over them (leaving me to provide my own sugar), and I’ve heard the argument that there’s no real difference between the simple sugars (most cereals are frosted with fructose, while table sugar is sucrose), but the fact remains that I can eat a bowl of Shredded Wheat or Post Raisin Bran with sugar pile up to the ceiling and be fine, but one bowl of Cap’n Crunch (haha–just kidding, no one who isn’t being monitored by their parents eats just one bowl of Cap’n Crunch, despite the micro-lacerations) without the protein balancing above, and I get wiffly.

While we’re on the subject of cereal, am I the only one who’s noticed that whole milk is now less expensive than reduced-fat milks?  Before you start yapping about how two-percent or half-percent is better for you and you should pay more or some bullshit Whole Foods justification for garbage, I should remind you that low-fat milks are by-products.  These are regular milk that had the fat removed so something else could be done with it.  Skim milk is so-called because it’s made by skimming the cream off of milk that’s been allowed to rest.  Half- and two-percent milks are actually made by re-adding some cream to skim milk.  Buttermilk is made from the liquid left over after butter is churned, and the hilariously-overpriced whey is what you get when you scoop cheese curds out of a vat that’s been…err…curdling.

Paying more for lowfat milks is essentially the same as paying more for paper towels made exclusively from recycled materials.  Wait, what?  People do that, too?  Never mind, then.  All hope is lost.

The Real Discussion

So while a few people are getting their tights in a wad about race, I think it’s time to open the real discussion in the Trayvon Martin case:  Why did the media repeatedly and continuously misrepresent and manipulate the facts in the George Zimmerman self-defense trial?

Why did NBC and other news outlets edit the portion of the Zimmerman police dispatch call so, instead of the dispatcher asking him what race the suspect was (and Zimmerman giving a how-should-I-know pause then saying, “He looks black.”)

Why has no one in the media mentioned that gated communities, like the Retreats at Twin Lakes, do not have public thoroughfares. You can’t put a gate across a public road.  The streets and common walkways are owned and maintained by the community, and yes, that makes them private property.  Martin was a guest of a community resident, which allowed him certain, limited access to community amenities, but he was not “gunned down on a public street” as has been presented.

Why do the media keep presenting a picture of a 12- or 13-year-old Martin and not a more recent picture?  Admittedly, he still has a baby face in the more recent photos, but positioning a posed photo of a twelve-year-old next to a mug shot is just manipulative.

A young man is dead, and another young man (Zimmerman was only 29) will probably never get his life back.  I’m not going to stir the pot on guilty or not.  I just want to know why the media ginned up a tragic story into a national nightmare of misrepresentation?

PS:  As a balance, Fox, Hannity, whoever else, please stop muddying the waters with your info that Skittles and Arizona Tea are two of the ingredients in some bizarre cheapass high school drug.  Who gives a shit?  If he was planning to make the crap (and I’m not saying he was, if the stuff exists), it still has no immediate bearing on the case.

Guest Script

I wrote a guest script for Webcomic Pete.  It’s an interesting comic with art that’s reminiscent of some of the single-panel comics from National Lampoon in the 70’s and 80’s.  You should go give it a look.

If you’re just coming here from there, welcome!  Updates are erratic at the moment, but I’m trying to arrange things so I have a more stable schedule.