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The High Road, or Cowardice?
I decided, tonight, not to visit a forum I used to
frequent. It was becoming too much trouble. Specifically,
one of the mods took it upon himself to unleash all of his issues
upon me, to wait, like a trapdoor spider, until I had committed what
he considered to be a misuse of one of the forums (regardless of
whether I was responding to someone else or not) and attack.
His attacks were always public. His attacks were always
insulting, as if he were an instructor losing patience with a slow
child. I got tired of trying to understand what he had against
me, and left.
It's not really a big deal. It's just an Internet forum, one of
millions, and the 20 or 30 regulars there are unlikely even to note
my absence. But it's endemic of what I perceive as a larger
problem within myself. You see, all my life I have battled to
carve a place for myself. Not a place in the sun, not a place
high on the mountain, just any place not on the outside.
Someplace I could stay. For a variety of reasonsmy
nomadic upbringing as an Air Force Dependent, my arrogance, my low
self-esteemI always seem to find myself on the outside.
I have always fought tooth and nail to make it to the inside without
losing hold of who I am. When someone attacked me I lashed back
with all of the venom I could muster. But, some time in the
last ten years or so, I lost the will to fight. And I wonder,
when I choose not to attack, am I avoiding doing harm to others or am
I running away?
I stopped having anything to do with a theater I enjoy because the
Artistic Director made it clear how much more she would enjoy my
absence. It took me two years to catch on. It can be
difficult to read hatred in sunny smiles and friendly greetings.
But actions speak loudly, and her actions spoke very loudly
indeed. It was not enough for her not to allow me the
opportunity to direct, even though I (and this is where I may be
encountering the duplicity of others) have been told I am an
excellent director (I had already directed two shows for the theater
and both had earned a profit). She couldn't simply tell me that
she would rather I not direct. No, she very intentionally and
without friendly intent, accepted my request, and then promised to
let me know when the positions were filled, even if (especially if) I
was not to be given the opportunity. I have had offers from
other theaters to direct, but this theater was my priority, and I
would not accept another offer if there were a chance to direct
there. She knew this; she knew because I had told her.
But she couldn't take three minutes out of her busy day to shoot me
an e-mail explaining that the theater would not be able to use me
that year. Two years in a row.
Message received Mrs. L.
So I tell people I'm in exile. Which is, in itself, an annoying
form of passive-aggressiveness. I'm not in exile, I'm just too
old and lazy to walk away, and too tired to fight any more.
It's exhausting and pointless to push against a wall, especially when
no one seems willing to show you a door.
And there's the question. When I don't fight. When I
don't cut deep and hard, as I know I can, am I taking the high
road? Am I really doing it to avoid hurting someone else's feelings?
Or am I just a coward?