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The Language of Debate
The most frustrating thing about being an intelligent
conservative is watching the conservative press and Republican
figures allow themselves to be placed on the defensive time and time
again. Democrat and pseudo-progressive demagogues use every
rhetorical fallacy in the book to switch the argument. They
proceed from unproven premises and accusations ("Bush Lied"
is a fave, despite the fact that even assuming they are correct in
their belief that there were no WMDs found in Iraq, they have yet to
show that Bush was aware of their absence and knowingly disseminated
falsehood). They proceed from outright falsehood (another fave
is "President Bush cut funding for levee
improvement"Bush backed a bill that would have allocated
several billion for levee improvement that was subsequently cut by
Democrats and liberal Republicans under pressure from environmental
and humanitarian groups). They use ad hominem, ad populum
and tu quoque attacks more often than they ever express
supported opinion. But, by far the worst thing (in my mind)
that they do, and they've done this since the second Reagan
Administration, is change the language of debate.
This has never been more apparent than it has been in the recent illegal
alien debate. That's right: illegal aliens.
They're not "undocumented workers." Nobody lost
their I-9 or forgot to file their W-4. They are foreign
nationals living here illegally and working here illegally, and most
of them came here illegally. You can't even call them
immigrants, illegal or otherwise, because the vast majority of them
wire most of their income to their home countries with the intention
of moving back there in a few years time.
But to hear the Dems (and the new-new Republicans) talk about it,
you'd think that every conservative in the nation was picking up a
gun and hunting down everyone with a funny accent. They've changed
the language. No longer is the discussion about people
willfully violating the laws of the nation they've entered, it's
about "poor immigrants seeking a better life". No
wonder they were able to fill city streets with registered aliens and
second and third generation Americans.
Well, I call bullshit. I call bullshit because it proceeds from
false premises. It's not racism for a nation to want its
borders secure. It's not favoritism for a nation to have
immigration quotas when they have a limited number of clerics to
process the immigrants. It's not mindless nationalism for a
nation to want some show of loyalty or intent to assimilate before
granting access without let or hindrance to that nation's resources
and services.
I call bullshit because you don't get to change the debate in the
middle (it's either a straw man or red herring fallacyI haven't
decided yet). This isn't about creating new laws or allowing
"amnesty" to people who've been breaking our laws for
years. This isn't about closing the borders completely so there
is no chance of new immigration. This is about controlling our
own borders and not serving as a money farm for another nation.
This is about enforcing laws already on the books and enabling the
agencies created for that job to do so. This is about waking up
and deciding that we are a sovereign nation with laws, borders, and
all that implies.
I call bullshit because it flies in the face of everything the
Democrats have done in the past regarding immigration. Where
was this outpouring of Democrat support ten years ago when Bill
Clinton ordered the US Coast Guard to aggressively enforce
territorial waters against Cuban refugees? Where is this love
for "our oppressed brothers in other countries" every time
ICE opens a shipping crate full of Chinese refugees in a Pacific
harbor? You don't get to have it both ways. You either
want the borders flung open or you want them controlled. You
can't just open one tiny section of the borders and call that
"progress" when you're closing all other borders to REAL
IMMIGRANTS, real people who really want to come to America to
actually become part of the nation and raise an American family.
That's real racism.
And I call bullshit.